中式烤火鸡Asian Spice Rubbed Roast Turkey

  • Prep Time
    15 Mins
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Asian Spice Rub


Roast Turkey







    Step 1

    准备香料:将所有干香料放进碗内搅拌均匀,分成两份,保留一份用来涂抹,另外一份与牛油混合搅拌,铺放在一张烤纸上,卷起包好放入冰箱冷藏成形。待成形后取出切成4片。Prepare Spice Rub: Combine all dry spice ingredients in a bowl. Stir well. Divide into half. Reserve one half for rubbing. Combine the other half portion of spice rub with the soft butter. Transfer to a piece of baking paper, form into a roll, wrap and chill to firm it up. When firm slice into 4 slices.

    Step 2

    准备火鸡:预热烤箱至200℃,把烤架放在最底层,需准备一个有架子的大烤盘。Prepare Turkey: Preheat oven to 200℃. Position oven rack on lowest level. Prepare a large roasting pan with a roasting rack.

    Step 3

    将火鸡用冷水里外冲洗,再用厨房纸巾彻底抹干水份。用盐和胡椒粉仔细涂查火鸡内部。小心地用手指把脖子直到鸡胸部分的皮肤分开,将一片香料牛油片塞入皮下,隔着皮肤仔细搓揉按摩,使其均匀分布。Rinse turkey inside out with cold water and wipe thoroughly with kitchen paper towels. Rub inner cavity with salt and pepper. Carefully separate the skin from the breast part using your fingers, starting from the neck end. Insert the slices of spice butter beneath the skin. Massage the spice butter through the skin to distribute it evenly.

    Step 4

    塞入4块洋葱、3瓣大蒜和半个萝卜,再用绳子绑好腿部。Fill the cavity with 4 onion , 3 cloves garlic and half the carrots. Tie up the legs with string.

    Step 5

    将颈部的皮肤折叠并用牙签固定好,把鸡翼往后弯曲,用棉线绑好鸡腿。将之前分好的一半干香料均匀地涂擦整只火鸡,再淋上一些橄榄油。 Fold over the neck skin and secure with some toothpicks. Bend the wing tips backwards behind the turkey. Tie the drumstick ends with kitchen string. Rub the dry spice rub all over the turkey. Drizzle olive oil all over.

    Step 6

    将火鸡转移到烤架上,鸡胸一面朝上。将剩余的洋葱、大蒜、芹菜、萝卜、月桂叶和先前保留的内脏部位放入盘中,加入鸡汤。用铝箔纸将火鸡包覆着,注意不要碰到涂抹了香料的皮层,放入烤箱烤30分钟。之后将烤箱温度降至180℃,再烘烤2-2½小时,在最后的1小时除去箔纸继续烤。Transfer turkey to the roasting rack, breast side up. Scatter remaining onions, garlic, celery, carrot and bay leaves into the pan with the reserved giblets and neck. Pour in chicken stock. Cover turkey loosely with foil, taking care not to touch the spiced skin. Roast for 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 180℃ and roast for another 2-2½ hours. Remove foil for the last 1 hour of roasting.

    Step 7

    记得要翻转火鸡,让各部位能均匀受热直到变色。使用食物温度计往鸡胸肉最厚的部分插入,当内部温度达到75℃后,将火鸡移到另一个大盘子上,并用铝箔纸覆盖着,静置20-30分钟,剪断绳子与取出牙签。Rotate the pan to brown the turkey evenly. Continue roasting until an instant read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh reads 75℃. When done, transfer the turkey and rack to a large dish and cover loosely with foil. Let rest for 20-30 minutes. Snip the string and remove gently. Remove toothpicks.

    Step 8

    准备酱汁:将烤盘上盛装的酱汁倒出来,过滤到另一个大碗,撇掉肥油。如果酱汁不够,可以加入鸡汤成2杯的份量。Prepare gravy: Discard all solids from the roasting pan. Strain roasting juices into a large measuring jug and skim off as much fat as possible. Make up to 2 cups liquid with chicken stock.

    Step 9

    取一个平底锅,加入牛油与面粉混合,用中火煮至汁变稠。加入朗姆酒,以小火煮1分钟。一次一点地倒入鸡肉高汤,每次添加后都要充分搅拌,加盐与胡椒调味。In a sauce pan, combine butter and flour. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly till golden. Add rum and simmer over low heat for 1 minute. Add the liquid stock gradually, stirring well after each addition to obtain a smooth gravy. Season with salt and pepper.

    Step 10

    将火鸡放入大盘子中,用香草装饰,搭配酱汁即可享用!To serve: Transfer turkey to a large serving platter. Garnish with extra herbs. Serve with gravy.
